Jumanne, 18 Julai 2017


Hii hapa chini orotha:

Orodha ya viwanda mkoa wa Pwani

Korea ya Kaskazini ndio nchi yenye uwanja unaobeba watu wengi duniani

Korea ya kaskazini ndio nchi  duniani yenye uwanja unaobeba watu wengi duniani. Kiwanja cha "Rungrado May Day Stadium kilichopo Pyongyang kinauwezo wa kubeba watu 150,000.

Image result for Rungrado May Day Stadium

Soma zaidi hapa:
The Largest Football (Soccer) Stadiums In The World

Hii hapa ni orodha ya viwanja kumi vikubwa duniani

1Rungrado May Day Stadium150,000Pyongyang, North Korea
2Camp Nou99,354Barcelona, Spain
3Estadio Azteca95,500Mexico City, Mexico
4Azadi Stadium95,225Tehran, Iran
5FNB Stadium94,736Johannesburg, South Africa
6The Rose Bowl92,542Pasadena, USA
7Wembley Stadium90,000London, UK
8Gelora Bung Karno Stadium88,083Jakarta, Indonesia
9Bukit Jalil National Stadium87,411Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
10Borg El Arab Stadium86,000Alexandria, Egypt

Dar es salaam Tanzania 2017

Jumapili, 16 Julai 2017

Sehemu 10 Unapaswa Kutembelea Tanzania

Tanzania ni moja ya nchi zilizo na vivutio vingi ulimwenguni. Katika video hii utapata maeneo muhimu zaidi unapaswa kutembelea katika maisha yako.

Utalii wa Tanzania unaendelea kukua kwa kasi.

Ijumaa, 14 Julai 2017

Watafiti wanasema, huenda bustani ya Edeni ilikuwa Tanzania (ngorongoro crater)

Kwa muda mrefu watafiti wamekuwa wakitafuta bustani ya edeni ilikuwa ipo wapi. Kutokana na maelezo yaliyomo kwenye biblia katika kitabu cha Mwanzo.

Ngorongoro Crater

Kwenye Biblia Mwanzo 2
9 Bwana Mungu akachipusha katika ardhi kila mti unaotamanika kwa macho na kufaa kwa kuliwa; na mti wa uzima katikati ya bustani, na mti wa ujuzi wa mema na mabaya.
10 Ukatoka mto katika Edeni wa kuitilia bustani maji, na kutokea hapo ukagawanyika kuwa vichwa vinne.
11 Jina la wa kwanza ni Pishoni; ndio unaozunguka nchi yote ya Havila, ambako kuna dhahabu;
12 na dhahabu ya nchi ile ni njema; huko kuna bedola, na vito shoham.
13 Na jina la mto wa pili ni Gihoni; ndio unaozunguka nchi yote ya Kushi.
14 Na jina la mto wa tatu ni Hidekeli; ndio unaopita mbele ya Ashuru. Na mto wa nne ni Frati.
15 Bwana Mungu akamtwaa huyo mtu, akamweka katika bustani ya Edeni, ailime na kuitunza.
Watafiti wanasema kwamba baada ya gharika sura yote ya dunia ilibadilika na mito Pishoni na Gihoni haijulikani ilikuwa wapi. 

kutokana na tafiti mbalimbali za kisayansi kuhusu DNA, zilizofanywa zinaonesha kwamba kila mwanadamu duniani ana alama inayohusiana na waafrica. 

Chapisho la BBC lilotolewa 2 April, 2003 linaeleza utafiti uliofanyika na kueleza kwamba mwanamke wa zamani Eva inaweza kuwa aliishi kati ya Tanzania na Ethiopia. 

New DNA evidence suggests "African Eve", the 150,000-year-old female ancestor of every person on Earth, may have lived in Tanzania or Ethiopia.
Tanzania, Ethiopia origin for humans
Mtandao wa  Christian Apologetic Study tarehe 24 Julai mwaka 2015 ulitoa chapisho na kueleza kuwa huenda bustani ya edeni ilikuwa Tanzania.

The Garden of Eden was the original home of the humankind (Genesis 2:8-17). Eden is mentioned in other Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures as a place of extreme fertility ( Isaiah 51:3; Ezekiel 28:13, 31:9; Joel 2:3), and the name continues to connote an ideal setting. For many generations, researchers have been looking for the Garden of Eden. Many believe the Garden of Eden was located somewhere in the Middle East regions. Biblical scholars have identified places such as Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, and Turkey.  However, the Garden of Eden was not located anywhere in the Middle East. It was destroyed during the global flood cataclysm. The weight of scientific and biblical evidence reveals the real Garden of Eden was probably located somewhere in Tanzania’s Ngoro-Ngoro crater region.

Mtandao wa The guardian kwenye chapisho lake la Mitochondrial DNA and the mysteries of human evolution. Linaeleza kuwa asili ya wanadamu wote duniani ni Africa
But modern humans carry within their tissues a different kind of evidence. DNA serves as a lineal history, a family album, a passport that bears the marks of both origin and journey. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is inherited only from the mother. Every few generations, a random mutation creeps into this familial signature. So comparison of two samples of mtDNA will show degrees of kinship and ancestral origin. Conversely, the Y chromosome – a twisted rope composed entirely of DNA – is inherited by males from the father. Random infrequent changes once again provide a way of estimating the number of generations back to a shared ancestor. The evidence of DNA reveals that all humans are very closely related. A Scot, a Japanese and an Australian Aborigine are far more closely linked by family inheritance than any three chimpanzees from different African groups. DNA research suggests that all surviving humans are descended from one woman who lived perhaps 200,000 years ago. Research also shows that the story begins in Africa, home to the greatest variation in human DNA, and therefore the oldest location. Accordingly the woman was promptly dubbed "the African Eve".
Watafiti wanasema kuwa The African Eve ndiye asili ya wanadamu wote na katika kufuatilia DNA inaonesha kwamba huyo aliishi eneo ambalo kwa sasa linaitwa Tanzania.

‘New DNA evidence suggests "African Eve", the 150,000-year-old female  ancestor of every person on Earth, may have lived in Tanzania or Ethiopia.  Fossil remains of A. afarensis ("Lucy"), a possible human ancestor, were found at Hadar, Ethiopia. A genetic study has shown that the oldest known human DNA lineages are those of East Africans. The most ancient populations include the Sandawe, Burunge, Gorowaa and Datog people who live in Tanzania. Researchers found a very high amount of genetic variation, or diversity, between the mitochondrial DNA of different individuals in these populations. Mitochondrial DNA is passed down exclusively through the maternal line. The longer a population has existed, the more variation accumulates in its DNA lineages. "They are showing really deep, old lineages with lots of diversity. They appear to be the oldest lineages identified in Africa to date,"  said Dr Sarah Tishkoff, of the University of Maryland, US, who led the research. The so-called African Eve represents the ancestral mitochondrial genome that gave rise to all the different types seen in people  today. Several of the ethnic groups sampled in the study also live in  countries surrounding Tanzania. "It's entirely consistent with what we expected," said Dr Spencer Wells, a geneticist and author. "All the evidence is pointing to East Africa as the cradle of humanity." Dr Wells added that the data ties in well with archaeological evidence of a long occupation of East Africa by modern humans and hominids. But Professor Ulf Gyllensten, a molecular biologist at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, was cautious about claims that the oldest DNA lineages were confined to East Africa.  "I wouldn't be surprised if Dr Tishkoff has found old lineages there, but I think we're just skimming the surface," he said. "Too little research has been done in Africa to get a clear picture. I don't know why, because it's clear there is a great resource of genetic diversity there," added Professor Gyllensten.’ Paul Rincon, BBC News, 2003
Soma zaidi hapa:

Dar es Salaam ni namba 4 katika orodha ya majiji 10 Africa yanayofaa kuishi

Jiji la Dar es salaam linaendelea kuvutia watu wengi sana. Limezidi kupanda na sasa limeshika namba 4 katika orodha ya majiji kumi Africa yanayofaa kuishi. Huku jiji la Cape Town Africa ya Kusini likishika nambari moja.

Jiji la Dar es salaam
Kutoka kwenye mtandao wa Answers Africa umetoa orodha hiyo na kulitaja jiji la Dar es salaam kuwa ni la nne.

Hii hapa chini ni orodha ya majiji hayo:-
Jina la Jiji
Cape Town
Africa ya Kusini
Africa ya Kusini
Dar es salaam
Akwa Ibom

Kwa maelezo zaidi unaweza kutembelea tovuti hii hapa chini


Mfuko wa Udhamini wa Kumbukumbu ya Mwalimu Julius Nyerere unaosimamiwa na Benki Kuu ya Tanzania (BoT), unatangaza kutoa nafasi za udhamini (scholarships) kwa masomo ya elimu ya juu kwa mwaka 2017/18. Ufadhili huu, unalenga kuongeza hamasa na ufaulu kwa wanafunzi wa kike hapa nchini katika masomo ya Hisabati na Sayansi. Unajumuisha gharama zote za ada, pesa za kujikimu, mafunzo ya vitendo na vifaa vya kujifunzia ikiwemo kompyuta mpakato (Laptop).
Chuo cha kumbukumbu ya Mwalimu Nyerere

Pakua hapa form ya Tangazo hilo kutoka BoT
Tangazo la Udhamini

Pakua maelezo mengine hapa kutoka mtandao wa BoT:-
Maelezo ya Jumla

TANROADS inaendelea na miradi 54 nchi nzima (Tanzania)

Wakala wa Barabara Tanzania (TANROADS), mpaka sasa inaendelea na miradi ipatayo 54 nchi nzima. Miradi hiyo mingi ni ujenzi wa barabara kiwango cha rami. Kulingana na mtadao wa Tanroads unaonesha kwamba ipo miradi ilikamilika, inayoendelea na mingine ipo katika maandalizi.
Ujenzi wa barabara kiwango cha rami

Mpaka sasa wakala wa barabara Tanroads imekamilisha miradi mingi na kufanya sehemu ambazo zilikuwa hazifikika kufikika. Tanroads imejenga barabara na madaraja mengi nchini.

Ifuatayo chini ni orodha ya miradi inayoendelea:-

#NameLength (km)Signing DateContract Sum (Bil)
1UYOVU - BWANGA45.0022/10/201243.357
2BWANGA - BIHARAMULO67.0022/10/201257.756
3KALIUA - KAZILAMBWA56.0027/03/201358.563
4KIA - MERERANI26.0012/02/201532.214
5SUMBAWANGA - MATAI - KASANGA PORT110.0008/09/2009133.287
6KYAKA - BUGENE59.1030/07/201064.96
7TABORA - NYAHUA85.0030/07/201093.402
8MAKUTANO - NATTA50.0005/04/201346.138
9USAGARA - KISESA16.0026/03/201317.898
10SUMBAWANGA - KANAZI75.0015/06/200978.841
11KANAZI - KIZI - KIBAONI76.6015/06/200982.842
12SITALIKE - MPANDA36.9022/10/201237.097
13MPANDA - IFUKUTWA - VIKONGE35.0029/07/201657.871
14BULAMBA - KISORYA50.0005/11/201351.281
15MAGOLE - TURIANI48.6017/06/200941.891
16USHIROMBO - LUSAHUNGA110.0018/08/2009114.557
17SIBITI BRIDGE(not set)07/08/201216.302
18SIBITI BRIDGE(not set)07/08/201216.302
19KILOMBERO BRIDGE(not set)24/10/201253.214
20KILOMBERO BRIDGE(not set)24/10/201253.214
#NameLength (km)Signing DateContract Sum (Bil)
21KILOMBERO BRIDGE(not set)24/10/201253.214
22KILOMBERO BRIDGE(not set)24/10/201253.214
23KIDAHWE - KASULU50.0024/03/201441.88
24NYAKANAZI - KIBONDO50.0027/04/201445.985
25TABORA - SIKONGE30.0031/03/201428.645
26KIMARA BARUTI - MSEWE2.5004/04/20145.725
28KIFURU - KINYEREZI4.0004/04/20148.765
29TABATA DAMPO - KIGOGO1.6001/04/20144.389
30MWIGUMBI - MASWA50.3012/02/201561.462
31KIKUSYA - IPINDA - MATEMA34.6027/04/201556.911
32DODOMA UNIVERSITY10.0023/08/201315.629
35MAYAMAYA - MELA99.3502/12/2013100.143
36MELA - BONGA88.8002/12/201383.37
37ARUSHA - HOLILI56.5006/12/2015139.346
38MAFINGA - NYIGO70.5013/03/201576.987
39UBUNGO INTERCHANGE(not set)22/02/2017177.42
#NameLength (km)Signing DateContract Sum (Bil)
41BARIADI - LAMADI71.8009/09/200967.409
42MANYONI - ITIGI - CHAYA89.3030/07/2010109.643
43BAGAMOYO - MSATA64.0011/08/201089.608
44DODOMA - MAYAMAYA43.6528/06/201040.61
45NDONO - URAMBO52.0030/07/201059.764
46GOBA - MBEZI MWISHO7.0004/04/201413.231
47TANGI BOVU - GOBA9.0004/04/201416.436
48MBUTU BRIDGE(not set)27/04/201210.457
49KOROGWE - MKUMBARA76.0026/01/201262.866
52MANGAKA -MTAMBASWALA65.5030/11/-000159.666
53KILIMASERA - MATEMANGA LOT B68.2030/04/201470.414
54MATEMANGA - TUNDURU58.7017/02/201457.917
Unaweza kutembelea mtandao wa TANROADS na kujionea maelezo zaidi:-